Dreaming of spots and stains on body and clothing, the meaning and what you can do about it.
In this video Anna explains why we sometimes appear with spots on our face or on the body in our dreams. And also what is the meaning of stains that appear on the dream clothing.
This is a useful video for all those who want to benefit from their dreams to stay healthy.
Hi everybody! Today I am inspired to do a short video on spots.
So, the spots that appear in your dreams for example on your body or on your clothing.
These dream spots will have different meanings according to the context and also according to where they appear.
For example, if you see yourself in a dream, with big spots on your face and you have the feeling of being disfigured.
Well, in that case, the most probable meaning of this dream -since it will be different according to the persons- will be that some people around you misjudge you. They do not realize who you are, and so they give you the feeling of being disfigured.
Literally disfigured, because they don't see who you are actually. So because of this, you may have dreams in which you see spots on your face.
If instead you are the one who misjudges someone else you may also see them in your dreams appearing with big spots on their face that disfigure them.
So that is, for the spots on the face. They appear less frequently that the spots we can see appearing on the body or the stain on the clothing in dreams.
For example, if in a dream you see that you're wearing beautiful white pants, or a nice white skirt unfortunately with a large stain on the belly, a dark stain.
Well, often, that kind of dream simply tells you that there is a problem of constipation.
This is one of the ways your body can use to tell the brain that something is wrong so that it can act to improve this situation.
So no need to worry or to clean pants and skirts in a lucid dream. Just take a laxative in your waking life and in most cases, when the problem is recent the stains will disappear in yours dreams and won't manifest later on in reality.
That is a great advantage of dreams. They can show us long before they become a reality, the problems that are in preparation in the body and that are often caused by toxins.
You will see these toxins appear in dreams as spots for example on the shoulders, on the lungs (which often occur to people who smoke) and also on the belly.
Seeing spots on the belly is a very common dream, because we may all have constipation, occasional or long lasting.
If you can read in French, Spanish or Italian, I invite you to read this interesting book by Laure Goldbright: Testimony on the benefits of intestinal hygiene. (Témoignage sur les bienfaits de l'hygiène intestinale).
You can also go see my video: "Do it in spring to improve sleep and dreams." This area of the body is very important for the art of dreaming.
So these were some possible interpretations for the symbols spots and stains in dreams. Of course, if you dream that you see stains on the clothes of a relative, you should be very careful before forwarding the dream information. You'd better first try to test the waters to check if what you saw in your dreams actually relates to your relative or not.
And I will give a personal example quite funny, to show that interpretations vary widely depending on the context of reality.
Of course, personal work is needed to fully know the way you dream in order to avoid misinterpretations, let's say, to avoid regrettable mistakes regarding our loved ones. If you study your dreams, you will see that sometimes some of your relatives may frequently represent yourself in your dreams.
This is why, you should be careful not to make mistakes when you believe you had a dream with information for someone else.
So at a time in my life, I had a boyfriend who traveled extensively by plane for his work. One night, I dreamt that I saw him with a huge brown spot, here on the lungs.
When I woke up in the morning, I thought Oh! My God! My boyfriend may have soon a big health problem in his lungs.Of course, before telling him about this alarming possibility, I sent him a mail asking him how was his day? How was his travel, and if all was all right?
And he replied, Oh! I am very annoyed because I spilled my coffee all over my shirt, I took only one and I have a very important meeting.
Well, this answer revealed the meaning of my dream. So you see, dreams interpretation cannot be done with dream dictionaries. It requires a good knowledge of the way you dream, and some information about the reality of the dreamer or event of people around him.
Dreams, reality and environment are closely linked.
If you wan't to know more about that you can read my book: The Meaning of Dreams. In which you will find information that will enable you to efficiently explore your "dream land".
And also to learn to do many things with your dreams. And not only remove stains that bother us in dreams and in reality.
Here we are! Thank you for listening.
See you very soon for other exciting videos on dreams.